Yes, its long awaited gorgeous heels by Italian Shoe Designer Salvatore Ferragamo for Bollywood Diva Sonam Kapoor. Recently Ferragamo Boutique in Mumbai presented made-to-order heels by Salvatore Ferragamo to Sonam Kapoor. It is noted that Sonam Kapoor Visited Ferragamo studio in Italy earlier this year to designed her own shoes and this is exclusively one pair in the world for Sonam Kapoor by Salvatore Ferragamo Brand!! How special she must be feeling na??
Well, some people in this world are born with Luck!! So let’s have look of Salvatore Ferragamo heels for Sonam Kapoor.
This Ferragamo for Sonam Kapoor are part of Shoes for a Star program. In the years to come, the shoe cast of Sonam Kapoor will be exhibited at the Salvatore Ferragamo museum in Florence, alongside other precious shoe casts and shoes from stars and celebrities of all times, such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Sofia Loren, Madonna and Drew Barrymore.
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