It was House Proud Launch in Mumbai, where Mugdha Godse Spotted Wearing Motel Pebble Print Dress. is India’s online destination for Luxury Home Decor, was launched yesterday at The Charcoal Project where Sussanne Roshan, Sonali Bendre, Mugdha Godse, Zarine Khan, Sandeep Khosla, Arti Surendranath, Maya Alagh, Gayatri Oberoi, Anu Dewan, Akanksha Aggarwal, Rakshanda Khan, Shruti Seth, Mini Mathur and many other were present.
We Love what Mugdha Godse wore…
Motel New Zoe Bodycon Midi Dress in Abstract Pebble…
Have a Look!
What do you think about This Look of Mugdha Godse? Let us know through comments and tweet about it. MEntion us on Twitter at @MyfashionVilla
Till Then..
Keep Rocking… 🙂