Aks by Alka Kumar brings to you the rich tradition of India with the exquisite and dazzling beauty of diamond jewelry combined together. She draws her inspiration from the real women of substance and blending it with beautiful historical style. She offers stunning fashion jewellery pieces that offer a modern and contemporary style with a blend of Indian cultural influence. So now you know, where you can get stunning Jewellery.. Lets start exploring Alka Kumar’s Jewellery Collection!
So, whether you need magnificent diamond jewelry, Indian fashion jewellery, pearl necklaces or a number of other beautiful pieces, head your way towards Alka Kumar that presents to you the luxury brand Aks.
She also customizes the designs according to your taste and budgets. Their designer jewelry pieces will truly leave you captivated by their sheer beauty. One can choose from bracelets, pendants, rings, necklaces, bangles and earrings etc.
She offers an extensive selection of creative masterpiece designs that you will cherish for a lifetime.
If you are looking for diamonds, consider her beautiful collection of ruby studded diamond necklaces or sets of jewelry pieces that include diamond bracelets, earrings, pendants, gold pieces and other dazzling jewelry.
So whether you are on look out for Ruby, emerald, sapphire, pearl or solitaire, Aks by Alka Kumar is an answer to all your jewel worries.
Price on request, Available at- By appointments only, B- 17, Sec 55 Noida, 8000041011
You Can See More Designs by Alka Kumar: HERE
Till Then..
Keep Shining Like Alka’s Jewellery 😉
Love.. Hugs…