Summer has already started. It’s time to wear light yet stylish cloths. For girls tank tops are best option to wear in summer. They look stylish yet easy & comfortable to wear and the good news is: You can make tank tops yourself from your old t-shirt. Isn’t it cool? Yes. You can use your boy friend’s old oversize t-shits too to make tank top for yourself.
Are you wondering how? Well below is the complete video tutorial to make tank tops yourself.
DIY: Do it yourself Tank Tops for girls Video Tutorial
Seen Above Video? Isn’t that super easy? This “Do It Yourself” tank top idea is also very useful if you are going for beach visit. Tank Tops with cool shorts is the dress code for beach destination. Make your tank top yourself and save money!
Hope you girls like this post.
Have a tankiee cool summer.. 😀
xoxo.. 🙂