Check Out My “In a Rush Essentials”

Hey pretties.. How are you all keeping. Diwali approaching soon.. 🙂 I hope you already shopped and decided your Diwali Outfits. If not do it girls. Its time to dolled up and flaunt 🙂

With that; let me tell you about today’s post. Being working professional and having 18 month old kid, you see me in a rush everyday. Believe me it is really challenging to manage work, home and baby all together. But the best part is.. I love my life this way only. And I am so grateful to universe for giving me this amazing life.

In all the hush hush every day, I don’t get time to do makeup and all. I am sure that’s the same case with many of you who are working or having small kids.

Well, we don’t do heavy make up but there are some “In a Rush Essentials” that I always have and the products I use every day to go office, to go market, to take my kid in garden 😀 in short, products that I use when I step out of home 😀


Here are my “In a Rush Essentials”. Hope this might help you. And I want to know your every day essentials too.

Check it out

What I Wear On the Face: I am pretty minimalist for Base Makeup. Still I use, Oriflame Cake Foundation (sometime I skip hat too 😉 )for quick application. And with that I wear Rimmel Stay Matte Powder. This powder is definitely a must have if you have oily skin. I love this powder a lot.


Highlighter: Ok.. Earlier this was not in my “On the Go List” but this Highlighter from SIVANNA Colors (It is called SIVANNA colors shimmer brick) is so stunning that I want to apply it every time I get ready. I am going to do a detailed review soon; but if you ask me; what I recommend the most from my current favorites, I would suggest this one. I got it for around 270 Rs and it is way too gorgeous for the price. Gives amazing glow to your face. A must must must have for sure.


For the eyes: I skip eye shadows and eye liner when I am in a hurry. But I apply some Mascara to add some length to my eye lashes and a Kajal from Deborah. The mascara I am using at present is from Maybelline.


For the Lips: Spicy Baby Lips for quick application. That’s it.


So these are my “In a rush essentials” 🙂 or you can say, my every day office going things.
Hope you enjoyed the post. What are your “In a Rush Essentials?” Let me know 🙂

Until Next Time..
Lots of Love and Light :-*

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